Siguiendo las búsquedas del post pasado en mi "tienda" favorita - el clóset de mi mamá - encontré un cuello de tortuga beige que no pude resistir adueñarme. Inmediatamente cuando lo vi me llevó a otra época, y quise complementarlo con estos jeans de talle alto que sentía iban perfectos, son sin duda mis jeans favoritos en este momento, los compré por internet en Forever21 y me quedaron perfectos :), ¿podría decirse que otra lucky find?
Muchas veces una prenda puede transportarte a otra época, para que tu look no se vea pasado de moda lo mejor es balancearlo con algún toque moderno y así logres el equilibrio perfecto. Por mi parte, lo que le dio el balance a mi look fueron los tacones de imitación Valentino, los compré en Vestimenta y he estado tan obsesionada con ellos que literalmente no puedo pasar ni una semana sin usarlos, ¡los amo! ¿Ustedes se han obsesionado alguna vez con alguna prenda?
Continuing my last post's search in my favorite "store" - my mom's closet - I found a beige turtleneck that I couldn't resist. When I saw it, it took me to another time, so I wanted to complement it with these kind of retro high jeans, they are definitely my favorite jeans right now, I bought them online at Forever21 and they fit perfectly!
Since the turtleneck remind me to other times (maybe the 90's because of Friends?), I wanted a modern balance, so I finished the look with these fake Valentino heels. I've been so obsessed with them since I got them that I literally can't spend even a week without using them, I love them! Have you ever been obsessed with something that you can't stop wearing?
Continuing my last post's search in my favorite "store" - my mom's closet - I found a beige turtleneck that I couldn't resist. When I saw it, it took me to another time, so I wanted to complement it with these kind of retro high jeans, they are definitely my favorite jeans right now, I bought them online at Forever21 and they fit perfectly!
Since the turtleneck remind me to other times (maybe the 90's because of Friends?), I wanted a modern balance, so I finished the look with these fake Valentino heels. I've been so obsessed with them since I got them that I literally can't spend even a week without using them, I love them! Have you ever been obsessed with something that you can't stop wearing?
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>> Look <<
Turtleneck: vintage
Jeans: Forever21
Heels: Vestimenta
xx, GABY
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